Monday, November 21, 2011

Obama's Foreign Policy Causes Unemployment


I'm reflecting on the wars we used to fight and I see how Obama handles them is going to make unemployment numbers go up. Commando In Chief Barack is also reducing our foreign influence and that's going to make us weak. We saw last month that he is sending all of our troops home from Iraq, thanks to a deal that was made in 2008 by our original savior Bush 43.  Afghanistan is just about done, too, now that Bin Laden was taken out by the SEALS. And Libya? Nothing left for our planes to refuel with Gadaffi gone.  What are we going to do now for foreign influence? Zilch. Thanks, Obama.


Doesn’t he know that our military might is the only reason people like or respect or are afraid of America? Our soldiers- God bless ‘em- represent everything right in America. With enough capitalism-driven government contracts, we can employ thousands in each congressional district to outfit our troops with the biggest and baddest weapons. When countries see what we have, they think “ooh! I want that!” Or they are scared poopless and start actin’ right by not sending brown bombers to hide out in our communities until it’s too late. Well, we’ve squelched most of that now. But that doesn’t mean we should leave. The bad guys need constant reminders that we have the biggest and best guns in the world! Bringing the hundreds of thousands home in time for Christmas is just unsettling. Next thing you know, those crazy Arabs will be fighting again. Thanks, Obama. Ending two wars and finishing our part in Libya just created job loss amongst our soldiers. Unemployment is now your fault.

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