Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's Obama's Fault That Christmas Will Be Expensive This Year


Barack-humbug! That's what I say. Thanks to President Obama, we're going to face another tax that comes just in time for the holidays. Apparentley someone in the Department of Agriculture decided that we could raise additional government revneue by hiking up Christmas tree prices this year. Can you believe that? One of the 100,000 employees who come under supervision of an appointed official by Obama approved this!  And who cares that the National Christmas Tree Association wanted this additional fee and it was only going to the producers and not the consumers. Who cares that the association asked for the fee after 90 percent of their members approved of it. We know the puppetmaster behind those strings: the Christmas-hating, not-that-Christian Obama.


We're in a recession and my money is tapped. We know that the Christmas tree tax was going to get passed onto us. And I'm not willing to pay for it. I'm already spending lots of money on presents for my wife, my kids, my in-laws, my grandma, my parents, my siblings, and some people in the company. I already drink enough Satrbucks every night to stay wide awake so I can buy these gifts. I'm already shelling out money for extra Christmas lights because I gotta beat Smitty from across the street for the HOA's "best decorated house" competition this year. He's going to see so many lights that he'll think we're having a bonfire every night for the next month.

Can I really afford a 15 cent hike?


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