Friday, December 2, 2011

Obama Ruined New York's Christmas Tree Lighting

You know, Donald Trump was right: Obama ruined the tree lighting ceremony for New York. If the city is in a foul mood all holiday season long, it's Obama's fault.

I wasn't there. But I know of people who might have been there. And from what I understand, it was a total inconvenience. First, it created a large traffic jam for anyone who drove to the tree lighting ceremony versus walking or taking the subway.

There were also long lines for food at restaurants because with Obama's visit comes a crowd. He likely added 200 people to the thousands that came to watch the New York tree lighteng. And that's from his own staff. So if they were hungry and wanted something local to eat, guess what? You had to wait.

And what about those liberal hangers-on that wouldn’t normally venture downtown New York but did so for Obama? They probably added to the crowded restaurants. And forget it if you are a temporary worker, cab driver or unemployed and thought you could get an extra break that weekend. Someone probably called you in for work to support all the hustle and bustle.

I thought this guy was going to break Washington traditions, like this one that's gone on for decades.  Change? Yeah, right. I'm so glad that Mr. Trump pointed it out that it's a "nasty" thing for him to do. I think Trump said the same thing when Bush came. Or Clinton. Or Reagan or Bush 41. Not sure. I'll have to check and do more research. But I doubt that if Trump wins in 2012 he’ll visit New York for the tree lighting then. Right?


But yes, he was right. Way to ruen Christmas for the largest city in the States, Obama. Bah Humbug!


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